
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Paragraph- Internet

Paragraph- Internet
Internet is a computer based networking system of sending news and views in the shortest possible time. It is the latest means of communication. It is a new scientific system for quick and speedy form of transmitting and receiving information. A person's computer or mobile phone linked to the internet can easily communicate with the outside world according to his expectation. Internet has brought about a revolutionary change in the world of modern communication. At present we are enjoying many facilities of internet. We can share our feelings, emotions, thoughts, and ideas with the other people of home and abroad through it in a minute. We can send and receive messages and information to and from any corner of the world. Internet plays an important role in the field of trade and commerce. Internet based e-commerce is now becoming more popular day by day. At present people can buy and sell their goods without going to market. Students can read books without going to the library. In short, internet has opened a new dimension in the communication system. But the use of internet is expensive in our country. Many people in our country cannot afford to buy computer. Again they do not have knowledge of internet service. The people should be properly educated, and training on internet use should be given to them. They should be made of conscious of internet service. The government should take some effective steps to introduce internet everywhere in our country and bring it within the reach of common people.

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